Germany: anti -nuclear energy are demanding the end of nuclear business with Russia

Germany: anti -nuclear energy are demanding the end of nuclear business with Russia

In anticipation of the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven Greater Industrial countries, several anti -nuclear energy initiatives in Germany called for the end of business with Russia in the field of uranium and nuclear energy.
It is important that the group ministers will meet later today in the western German city of Monster.

This came in an open speech – published today, Wednesday, addressed to German Foreign Minister Analina Berbuk belonging to the Green Party, and the initiatives in the speech said that the German government can and must provide a good example.
Activists said that roughly 20% of the uranium used in the European Union still comes from the Russian government corporation Rosatom for nuclear energy.

Activists attacked business deals between Germany, France, and Russia in this sector.
They said that in September of last year, a fuel elements facility owned by the French government nuclear energy firm and located in the German city of Linggen, received Russian uranium for the first time since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
A spokeswoman for the German Federal Bureau of Nuclear Waste Security stated that this procedure was carried out in accordance with permissions that were obtained in 2021.

It is important to note that Rosatom plays a significant role in the nuclear power facility in Ukraine that the Russian military has taken.
In their speech, the activists, in which they also referred to other connections between Russia and countries in the European Union in the field of nuclear commercial deals, continued that “Fermasum is in Lingan- using permits from German bodies and ministries- to make commercial deals with the occupier Absolutely”.

Hilate Brown, a member of the Osghattal organisation, stated: “The German government must finally add Russian nuclear energy businesses to the list of sanctioned entities. The ministers of the Free Democratic Party who support nuclear energy fail to recognise that doing so will only strengthen reliance on Russia.
Brown continued by suggesting that owners of nuclear power facilities and uranium mines cannot continue to fund Russian war expenditures through their sales without facing consequences.

Germany: Nuclear energy opponents urge a stop to Russia’s nuclear trade.

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