Clashes and shooting from Iranian security at the protesters in Tehran

Clashes and shooting from Iranian security at the protesters in Tehran

After Muhsa Amini, a Kurdish girl, was killed, violent protests in Iran continued despite skirmishes and security shooting at the demonstrators in Tehran’s Chicker neighbourhood.
With the slogan “Death to the tyrant Khamenei,” protests were also started in Isfahan, in central Iran, at the same time.
In addition, since the rebellion in Iran has gone on for a second month in a row, more people have died as a result of the demonstrations.

Human Rights, “Hungao,” reported that 16 protestors had been slain by security forces in Kurdish cities in western and northern Iran over the course of the previous five days.
According to the Iranian News Agency for Human Rights (Harana), 287 protesters have died, including at least 46 kids.
According to “Hranna” data, 300 university students were among the 14,161 demonstrators that were detained.

The security and judicial authorities have not held back in issuing threats and promises to the protesters of young men and women who have so far defied all forms of repression since the beginning of the widespread and ongoing demonstrations in the nation, following the death of the young Muhsa Amini on September 16, days after her arrest by the religious police.

The death of the twentieth boys launched a wave of anger and rebellion against the strict rules imposed by the ruling authorities for decades on the young generation, whether in relation to women’s clothing or freedom of expression and living, Fija participated in the various social classes.
Since the 1979 revolution, this was one of the most audacious tests for the authorities and the powerful clergy.

However, as a number of human rights organisations revealed, the security forces violently engaged them, killing hundreds of protestors, and thousands were also detained around the nation.

Disputes and gunfire from Iranian security forces directed against Tehran demonstrators

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