Taliban elements whipped the whip are girls trying to enter their university

Taliban elements whipped the whip are girls trying to enter their university

Afghanistan courageous girls tried to enter their university in Badakhshan district today, and “Woman, Life, Freedom” chanted to be brutally flogged by the Taliban, to prevent them from entering.
The majority of Afghanistan’s 1880 schools, which are still closed more than a year after the Taliban retook power, are still closed.

The Taliban troops were not in Afghanistan when women and girls formed to demand the reinstatement of their educational possibilities, unless these demands were met with extreme violence.
All primary, secondary, and high schools for boys and girls will reopen, according to a commitment made by the Afghan Taliban and the rest of the world in August 2021.
It was expected to reopen the secondary schools for girls on the 23rd of March, in order to coincide with the new Persian year.

However, when the girls arrived at the school gates, the militants turned them away.
On more than one occasion, the United Nations called on the Taliban rulers in Afghanistan to reopen schools for girls for the seventh to twelfth grades, describing their exclusion from high school seats as a “shame”.

The United Nations has voiced its serious worry that this approach would exacerbate the country’s economic problems by increasing insecurity, poverty, and isolation, in addition to existing restrictions on fundamental freedoms.

According to the United Nations, denying girls access to education violates many of their fundamental rights and increases their risk of being marginalised, subjected to violence, exploited, and abused. This is just one example of the numerous discriminatory practises and policies that have been directed at women and girls since the Taliban seized power in the summer of 2021.

The Taliban has once more been urged by the UN to drop the sequence of actions it has done that prevent Afghan women and girls from exercising their fundamental rights and freedoms.

Taliban members beat up girls who were attempting to enrol in their institution.

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