

More than two billion people worldwide suffer from obesity. This disease has spread swiftly due to dietary changes and insufficient physical exercise, so it is important to be aware of the symptoms of obesity and how to avoid them.
Describe obesity.
Carbohydrates, proteins, muscles, lipids, and other nutrients make up our body. Due to various factors, when a large amount of fat is stored in our bodies, this leads to a balance that leads to a significant weight gain.

Obesity is a medical disease that, in extreme situations, can be lethal.
By comparing length and weight, the BMI is a measurement that assesses body fat. On the Internet, you can find a variety of body mass index calculators. The 18. Underweight is indicated by a body mass index of 5. 18. 5-24. A healthy body mass index is nine. BMI 25 to 29. A weight gainer is represented by the number 9. The BMI of more than 30 indicates obesity.

What contributes to obesity?
According to the “Healthline” website, a person becomes obese when they consume more calories than they expend. They can also become obese due to a lack of exercise and mobility. But there are more causes of obesity as well.
1. The genetic component
Obesity is frequently passed down via families. This is because the individual may inherit the metabolic rate slower than their parents.

They consume less energy as a result, and extra energy is stored as fat.
2. Lifestyle: A poor diet, eating a lot of fatty foods, and consuming liquid calories like alcohol and soft beverages can all increase the risk of developing the illness.
3. Hypothyroidism: The hormones secreted by the thyroid gland are responsible for regulating our metabolism.

The production of this hormone is decreased by hypothyroidism, which also increases the risk of obesity, sleep deprivation, excessive stress, and steroid use.
What symptoms and indicators are associated with obesity?
The warning signs and symptoms you should watch out for if you suspect you are overweight are listed below.
1. Significant weight increase
The person may experience respiratory problems as a result of the excessive fat that has been deposited in the body.

This is because lipids hinder the diaphragm’s ability to relax and contract, which results in breathlessness.
2. Excessive fat precipitation
In areas such as hips, thighs, neck and abdomen, obesity is not a deadly disease in itself, but it causes complications that can make one vulnerable to deadly diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancer..

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