Jamekhana Motor race Friday at the Dead Sea

Jamekhana Motor race Friday at the Dead Sea

Al-Madinah News: The fifth speed race, which will feature 50 competitors from Jordan and Palestine and be supported by the Zain Jordan Company, will get underway next Friday in the maintenance square near the Dead Sea using the “Jamekhanna” system for the first time.

The administrative audit and technical assessment process will take place on Thursday, per the race guidelines. The day before the race, competitors are practising on foot. After that, the classification of the cars and the list of participants who are permitted to compete in the race will be revealed.

The race is held in the “Jamekhanna” system and includes 3 rounds in which all the registered in the race participates, and each two cars from the same group are competing together for two identical and opposite tracks (Ayman and Acer), and each contestant starts on the two tracks in each round and when the contestant ends his tour on the first track returns to a point Each track’s start, and so on’s, timing is calculated separately for each car, and the contestant race with the fastest time in any of the rounds wins.


Friday’s Jamekhana Motor Race at the Dead Sea

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