Germany: Bishop Bishop Pamperj intends to leave the important decisions of a younger successor

Germany: Bishop Bishop Pamperj intends to leave the important decisions of a younger successor

German Ludwig Shik, the bishop of Pamperj, declared his intention to abdicate and let a younger caliph decide the future course.
Chic, 73, wrote in a letter to his supporters, which was today made public on the diocese website, “I carried out my duty in the diocese and accomplished it.”
There will be new decisions and efforts starting in the fall of 2022 that will significantly outlast the two years left before my 75th birthday.

In general, bishops submit their resignation to the Pope of the Vatican, who is the head of the Catholic Church, when they reach the age of 75. At the end of April, a check made a trip to the Vatican to meet with the Pope and presented him with a resignation letter. Unexpectedly, a check resigned, which surprised some spectators.

Shik said: “Pope Francis listened to my Hajj and thought about it, and during that he asked me to stay in my position, and after recounting my reasons again, he responded to my request at the end of September. ”
The Vatican envoy obligated him to keep the situation private until today, Tuesday, the feast of the saints, and I have fully adhered to this, he continued.

“As of the feast of all saints, I no longer hold the office of bishop of Bamberg, but I am in service,” he continued. ”
The Cathedral Board of Directors will be elected as soon as possible as a new director, leading the diocese until the appointment of a new successor to a check by the Pope, in accordance with the diocesan statistics.
Early in the day, the Holy See in Rome reported that Pope Francis of the Vatican has submitted a resignation letter.

In Germany, there are two open bishop vacancies.
George Pittsing, the head of the German Archdiocese, complimented a check’s work. A letter from the Bishops Conference said: “I was a member of the German Bishops Conference for nearly a quarter of a century, and I was involved in work with dedication, and I played a major role in forming discussions, and I was our reliable reference in all issues of ecclesiastical law. “.

Bishop Bishop Pamperj plans to delegate his crucial decisions to a younger successor in Germany.

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