Chairman of the African Union Commission: What links Africa to the Arab world is a common destiny

Chairman of the African Union Commission: What links Africa to the Arab world is a common destiny

Musa Faki, the head of the African Union Commission, stated that the Arab world and Africa share a shared fate and emphasised the importance of Arab and African cooperation in support of Palestine.
He praised Algeria’s positive efforts to bring together the various Palestinian factions and added that the challenges of health, food, energy, and climate are ones that all Arab and African nations have placed upon themselves. He expressed his hope that the COP 27 will result in solutions to the climate crisis.

“Arab Reamival” served as the theme for the first two days of the 31st Arab Summit.

The Arab summit in Algeria is particularly significant because it hasn’t been held in the past two years. It is also held in light of the extremely accurate and dangerous international conditions as a result of the significant challenges that call for and demand strengthening and strengthening specific mechanisms for joint Arab work in order to achieve solidarity between the Arab countries to overcome these challenges and get out of multiple crises in order to achieve the common interests of the Arab.

The head of the African Union Commission: A shared destiny unites Africa and the Arab world.

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