A German town provides scholarships for young doctors in exchange for work after graduation

A German town provides scholarships for young doctors in exchange for work after graduation

Germany experiences a physician shortage, particularly in rural areas.
The small town of Ostrburg, whose population has become 9,800 people, and located in Saxony, has become one of the numerous towns, which supplies the red rug of young doctors to celebrate them, where they were provided to study to the universities, in exchange for a commitment to return to their towns after graduating to work in it.

Niko Schultz, the mayor of Austberg, is satisfied with the outcome of his project despite first feeling concerned about the shortage of physicians several years ago.
In 2016, a lot of doctors in the area went to him to explain that the average age of doctors has increased and to get information on which doctors are retiring and when.
In 2017, the town council decided to provide some incentives to attract doctors to work in the town.

The Council also agreed to help doctors by acquiring lands and housing, offering them free dwelling units in exchange for their services, and offering them scholarships.
According to Schultz, “Our country was the leader in accomplishing this initiative, and we are quite proud of that.”

Austerberg lost a third of its population due to emigration to the big cities since 1989, making it one of many small rural towns that are negatively impacted by the shifting demographics.
Schultz explains that the population displacement has become the main problem of the town for years, although this trend has changed somewhat now, and young families are heading to stay in Austberg.

Many of these families have been looking to enjoy calm and tranquility, and to provide the necessary lands to build a house on them.
Five specialists and nine dentists are among the town’s seven practitioners, according to Schultz.

A German town offers young doctors scholarships in exchange for employment upon graduation

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