40 years old for Gabriel Garcia Marquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature

40 years old for Gabriel Garcia Marquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature

The Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez rose to prominence in these modern times, particularly in 1982, when he won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his well-known book “A Hundred Years of Isolation.”

When the Swedish Academy declared in 1982 that Gabriel Garcia Marquez had won the Nobel Prize for Literature, it stated in its justifications that he had been chosen “for his novels and short stories, in which imagination and realism are combined in a rich world of imagination, reflecting the continent’s life and conflicts.”

In honour of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s 40th birthday, the Nobel International Prize stated via her official Twitter account that Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his book “One Hundred Years of Isolation,” is one of the most significant literary practitioners of magic realism.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a well-known author who was born on March 6, 1927, in Arakakaka, Colombia, and passed away on April 17, 2014, in Mexico City.

The Boendia family has lived in Macondo for seven generations; the founding patriarch of Macondo, Jose Arcadio Boendia, and his wife, Ursula Ajuran, left, after Jose Arcadio Brodenuso Aglar after Duke’s wrestling because of his suggestion that Jose Arcadio was sexually impotent, are featured in the book “One Hundred Years of Isolation.”

Jose Arcadio has a dream about “Macondo,” the city of mirrors where the world reflects and is located, one night during their migration voyage when they were overwhelmed on a river bank. A few days after being relocated from the wilderness, he made the decision to found Macondo on the riverbank and turned it into a moral metropolis.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature at age 40,

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