100 years on the discovery of the Tutankhamun cemetery .. the most famous ancient Egyptian cemeteries

100 years on the discovery of the Tutankhamun cemetery .. the most famous ancient Egyptian cemeteries

One of the most significant discoveries ever made is the cemetery of Tutankhamun, but there are other cemeteries that are gaining momentum due to the magnitude of the possessions they contained and the importance of the Pharaohs who created them. Here, we discuss a few of them.
The Kenaton Royal Cemetery
The cemetery consists of three rooms and it is believed that the second room was for the mummy of McCat Att, the second daughter of Kenaton.

A priest and a young child are standing next to them, while ostrich feather holders are standing behind them. What demonstrates the child’s royal ties. The names that were spelled out in hieroglyphic writing were dispersed and impossible to read.

Another painting in the same room depicts Maktat Ant standing under a marquee that expresses the princess’s resurrection after death, and Akhenaten, Nafrtiti, and their three daughters are lined up by the rest: Mary Ant, “Ankh Zanb Atn,” and “Narfar Narfa.” The scene in the third room was unprecedented, with the exception that the hieroglyphic writing in it reminds the deceased woman that she is McCit Ant.

Cemetery Hoar Moheb
The Hymueheb Cemetery is located in Saqqara in the cemetery of Saqqara near Memph Zoser pyramid in Saqqara.

the original graveyard
The world got acquainted with the Pharaoh in Saussns after the discovery of his tomb in 1940 AD, which was found in its entire treasures and was not looted, and the size of the silver that was found in his grave was called the Silver Pharaoh, and this discovery would constitute an important event such as the discovery of Tutankhamun’s cemetery had it not been for the timing of this discovery was on the threshold of the war The Second World did not receive the same media attention as the discovery of the Tutankhamun cemetery.


100 years after the discovery of the most well-known ancient Egyptian graveyard, the Tutankhamun cemetery

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