With accurate weapons .. Russia talks about Ukraine’s losses after the strikes

With accurate weapons .. Russia talks about Ukraine’s losses after the strikes

“Interests”, “Interfax” agency quoted the Russian Ministry of Defense as saying: “Attacks have been carried out with accurate long -term weapons on the control centers of the Ukrainian forces in addition to the energy stations and centers in Ukraine and achieve all the goals that were set for today’s operations. ”
“Targeting and killing more than 60 members of the Ukrainian army in strikes conducted in the Donetsk region,” she continued.

thirteen Ukrainian marches in Jiusson and the Donetsk region, as well as the destruction of four munitions and weapon storage facilities. ”
Dennis Shamkal, the prime minister of Ukraine, stated “The Russian missile shelling caused the electricity in hundreds of communities across more than seven different Ukrainian regions to go out. ”
Shamatic is charged “Russia aims to destroy civil infrastructure that is sensitive and not military.

“More than 18 facilities were destroyed by the Russian missile firing through missiles and marches on Monday, and the majority of the objects that were targeted are associated to energy and electricity,” he stated.
programme for mandatory army service
On Tuesday, the Russian Chiefs of Staff said that the program’s mandatory army service’s autumn phase had begun “This is unrelated to the ongoing military campaign in Ukraine.

“This stage will take place, in accordance with its rules and its regular plans provided in the Russian constitution,” she said in her statement.
The Chiefs of Staff stressed that “who will be called from young people to complete the compulsory service, as of tomorrow, will not be sent to the fronts of the fighting, nor will they be sent to the areas of contact and to the regions and regions that Russia recently included to its entity. “.

With precise weapons. Russia discusses Ukraine’s losses following the attacks

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