Watch the wife of the Brazilian chief elected by a blouse on the Israeli flag

Watch the wife of the Brazilian chief elected by a blouse on the Israeli flag

The wife of the outgoing Brazilian president, Jayer Bolsonaro, participated in the elections that were held on Sunday for the position of president. It is unclear why she chose to vote while sporting an Israeli flag-attached blouse because she does not practise Judaism and has never before indicated any connection to Israel. Note that her husband participated in the elections in Rio de Janeiro while sporting the national team shirt.

Michelle Bolsonaro, who is 26 years older than her 67-year-old husband, showed up early yesterday morning in a voting centre close to the nation’s capital, Brasilia, and responded to someone who asked if she was optimistic about her husband’s victory by saying, “Victory is in God’s hands,” echoing the sentiment of the “Angelion” movement in Brazil, which holds that siding with Israel means defying God’s will.

Therefore, I sent the following message to the more than 4 million and 700,000 people they follow on the social media platform “Instagram”: “May God’s blessings be upon Brazil and Israel. God, the homeland, the family and freedom,” indicating that its appearance with the flag of Israel may not have anything to do with the state of Israel , According to some local media.

During his first election campaign in 2018, her husband pledged to close the Palestinian embassy in the Brazilian capital, and move the Brazil embassy “when time allows” from Tel Aviv to occupied Jerusalem, which made him a copy of former US President Donald Trump. But despite his promises to do so, he has not yet closed the Palestinian embassy or moved the Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem since his win four years ago.

In order to face off against his leftist rival Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva, he must lose the elections.
According to Al Arabiya, his wife is involved in human philanthropic work to the extent where she has learnt “sign language” to make it easier to communicate with persons who have special needs.

Net deduced from her reading of abbreviations about her biography that she is a mother of her husband for a lone 14-year-old daughter named Laura, and she used to repeat my word “Thank God” whenever it passed daily on the occasion of her saying. As a result, she wears a blouse with an Israeli flag attached, which may be motivated more by my religion than by a politician.

Watch the Brazilian chief’s wife get chosen by a blouse bearing the Israeli flag.

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