Tomorrow … the start of the payment of ration goods and social protection commodities through 2500 supplies in Giza

Tomorrow … the start of the payment of ration goods and social protection commodities through 2500 supplies in Giza

Representative Adel Nasser, Vice-President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce in Giza, announced that the Ministry of Supply will begin tomorrow to pay for food commodities and distribute social protection allowance to citizens at supply outlets, association outlets, and consumer complexes.

The head of Giza Commercial explained that the ration goods were pumped to 1900 instead of catering in Giza, in addition to 600 outlets for the projects of my association, adding that the state confirmed the availability of a large strategic stock of food commodities.
He applauded the state’s initiative to expand a trade for the social protection of low-income families’ nine ration cards.

1 million families will be affected by the worldwide crisis that resulted in high costs both internationally and locally.
Nasser emphasised that the Takaful and Dignity Initiative, which has added 450,000 families this year, is the most significant of several initiatives through which the state attaches support and protection programmes that are especially crucial to caring for the needy family.

Beginning tomorrow, 2500 supplies in Giza will be used to pay for ration foods and social protection commodities.

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