This is how Musk planned to lay off a quarter of Twitter employees

This is how Musk planned to lay off a quarter of Twitter employees

According to Business Insider, Elon Musk and his team spent the weekend making plans to fire 25% of the staff at Twitter who recently hired the billionaire and world’s richest person.
The website quoted its report on the Washington Post, which said that Musk, the inner department close to it and those remaining on Twitter are among the executive officials, and their services were not dispensed.

According to the company’s annual report for 2021, a dialogue between these people involved controlling the information and getting rid of a group of nearly 7500 employees.
A person informed of the discussions told the Washington Post that the first batch of hairdos targets 25% of the company’s employees, and covers almost all departments and departments in the company with a focus on sales, product, engineering, legal, credit and safety department.

Since his first day there, when he completed the acquisition for $ 44 billion last Thursday, Mask has started his acquisition on Twitter by getting rid of the CEO and a number of top executives.
Musk seems to have already begun a thorough evaluation of the business and the work team; this includes Twitter management’ claims that they will implement performance assessments and give lists of personnel who will be kept on by the company.

A team from Tesla, owned by a mask, evaluated the quality of the most recent changes made to the Twitter code, picked the best performance, and the Musk team assigned some Twitter engineers to work on it over the weekend. Some Twitter engineers were then summoned to the meetings.

A source of the Financial Times said that Mask wanted to fire people who don’t support him as the company’s leader, not to fire a specific percentage of employees, contrary to what a person familiar with the acquisition on Twitter claimed in his interview with the newspaper. Mask is likely to fire about half of the company’s employees, according to the source.

He said, “It seems like there are 10 individuals who manage each person who formulates symbols and codes in the corporation,” when asked last Saturday what caused the most turmoil in the organisation.

This is how Musk intended to fire a fifth of the Twitter staff.

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