She won the State Encouragement Prize .. The issuance of “Who killed Maryam Al -Safi?” For forgotten Qandil

She won the State Encouragement Prize .. The issuance of “Who killed Maryam Al -Safi?” For forgotten Qandil

The anecdotal group “Who killed Maryam Al-Safi?” has released a new volume. For the great writer Muhammad al -Mansi Qandil, and the group includes 14 stories, most of which were written in the late 1960s until the mid -seventies, all of which are linked by all of them, the distinguished narrative writer’s distinctive style that began since his first book.

Prior to including “The Slaughterless Song” in his debut book, “Who Killed Maryam Al-Safi?” Muhammad Al-Mansi Qandil received the first prize for the story club competition in 1970 as a student at the College of Medicine of Mansoura. He was awarded the 1988 State Encouragement Prize.
The Mansi Qandil moves us through these stories from the journey of the teacher, Mansi, the merchant of fabrics, to the center The last with Maryam Al -Safi.

Muhammad Al -Mansi Qandil; An Egyptian novelist, who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1975, but was busy rewriting the heritage, retired from medicine and devoted to writing. He was given the State Encouragement Award in 1988, which led to the publication of several of his short tales and novels.

Including: “Qamar Ali Samarkand”, which won the Sawiris Cultural Award for Literature in 2006, and “Cloudy Day in the West Righteousness” that reached the short list in the International Award for Arabic Novel, Booker, in 2010, and “Black Battalion” that reached the long list In the International Prize for Arabic Novel, Booker, 2016. He was given the State Appreciation Award in the Arts in 2021.

The State Encouragement Prize was awarded to her. “Who killed Maryam Al-Safi?” was published. For forgotten Qandil

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