Russia calls on the Dutch ambassador after Britain’s attempts to recruit diplomats at the Russian Embassy Blacki

Russia calls on the Dutch ambassador after Britain’s attempts to recruit diplomats at the Russian Embassy Blacki

In keeping with tradition, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the Dutch Ambassador to Moscow on Monday and voiced its displeasure with the steps taken by foreign intelligence agencies against Russian diplomats stationed in The Hague.

In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said: “The Russian Foreign Ministry called the Netherlands Ambassador to Moscow with the Rakhtah of its Blu and informed him of Moscow’s strong protest against British intelligence’s attempts to recruit the military attaché at the Russian embassy in The Hague on October 20.

Such provocative measures, the Ministry emphasised, “are undesirable, contravene the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, and impede the regular operations of Russian diplomatic missions abroad.”
The government also stated that this is not the first time that foreign intelligence services have provoked the Netherlands in recent years.

After attempts by Britain to recruit diplomats at the Russian Embassy, Russia contacts the Dutch ambassador Blacki

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