Lavrov: The United States is interested in weakening Europe militarily and reducing its manufacture

Lavrov: The United States is interested in weakening Europe militarily and reducing its manufacture

According to Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, the United States of America wants to weaken Europe’s military capabilities and decrease its production.
According to Lavrov’s comments, which were quoted by the Russian “TASS” news agency, “many economists, not only in Russia but in the West, to the conclusion that Washington is attempting to fully exhaust the European economy and eradicate manufacturing.”

He emphasised that a significant portion of the German production lines are being shipped to the United States of America.
Lavrov highlighted that Washington wants to put Europe on high alert, weaken it militarily, and force it to sink Ukraine with armaments while also renewing the weaponry of European Union nations with American supplies.
According to the Russian minister, Washington’s policy is motivated by egotistical economic interests and ideological dogma.

Lavrov continued, “Europeans are already suffering from economic sanctions more severely than Americans.”

Lavrov: The United States wants to reduce Europe’s manufacturing and weaken it militarily.

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