German climate activists glue themselves to dinosaur display

German climate activists glue themselves to dinosaur display

Two environmental activists glued themselves to a dinosaur display at Berlin’s Natural History Museum on Sunday (local time) to protest what they said was the German government’s failure to properly address the threat of climate change.
The skeleton of a gigantic, four-legged dinosaur that lived tens of millions of years ago was supported by poles that the women attached themselves to using superglue.

“Unlike the dinosaurs, we are in control of our own destinies, “As museum visitors walked around the exhibit, protester Caris Connell, 34, made a statement. “Do we want to survive or do we want to become extinct like the dinosaurs?
As a mother of four and fellow campaigner, 42-year-old Solvig Schinkoethe expressed her anxiety for the effects of the climate problem.
We have opted to defend our children from the government’s lethal stupidity through our peaceful opposition, she stated.

The museum did not respond to the protest right away.
The protestors belonged to the organisation Uprising of the Last Generation, which has recently organised a number of protests, including street blocking and throwing mashed potatoes at Claude Monet artwork.

German environmental activists attach themselves to a display of dinosaurs

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