Garcia requests amending the date of the Saudi Al -Nasr camp

Garcia requests amending the date of the Saudi Al -Nasr camp

According to press reports, Saudi Al-Nasr team coach Rudi Garcia of France wants to change the schedule for the external camp, which will take place in Abu Dhabi and overlap with the preparation of the Saudi team for the World Cup Qatar 2022.

According to the Saudi newspaper “Al-Riyadiah,” Garcia requested that the club’s football administration submit the date of return from Abu Dhabi to Riyadh 24 hours in advance, to coincide with the date set in advance, next December 9, with the experimental match against the Spanish team Almeria at the Morsoul Park stadium in Riyadh. This was done, and it was approved as part of the team’s schedule before they resumed playing Saudi League games.

The newspaper claimed that the coach also requested that the football administration give him the dates of the four experimental matches in the Abu Dhabi camp, which will begin on November 27, within the following two days.
The Al -Nasr administration addressed a number of Emirati clubs, led by Al -Wahda, Al -Jazeera and Beni Yas, to play matches against its teams.

It is noteworthy that Garcia split the players’ vacations into two periods, each lasting 11 days. The first break began following the conclusion of the eighth round of the Roshen League, and everyone returned to training on October 26. The second break will start in November, and the players will return on the 20th of the month, which is before Abu Dhabi’s departure date.

Garcia asks to change the Saudi Al-Nasr camp’s scheduled date.

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