England imposes poultry insulation to contain bird flu outbreaks

England imposes poultry insulation to contain bird flu outbreaks

In response to the bird flu outbreak, the British government declared today, Monday, that all pets and poultry in England must be kept in isolation beginning on November 7.

Since this decision extends the in effect in several English areas, while the health authorities warn from the risk of bird flu outbreak among wild birds “is very high,” it is legally required of all owners to “keep their birds in internal places and follow strict biological security measures in order to protect them from illness, regardless of their faction or size.”

With more than 200 confirmed cases since the end of October 2021 and more than 70 facilities monitoring the disease since the start of October 2022, the United Kingdom has experienced the largest animal epidemic outbreak in its history over the past 12 months. Several injuries to land birds have also been reported.

For her part, Britain’s Veterinary Medicine Chairman Christine Midolmis explained that facing the accelerating pace of injuries has reached the “risk of birds'” pets “to the disease” a limit that requires isolating all birds until further notice. ”
Although “this decision was not made lightly,” it is the best approach to safeguard your birds against the outbreak’s rapid spread.

According to the European Food Safety Authority, this outbreak animal epidemic, which has been ongoing since the year, “is the largest to this day in Europe,” noting that “it was eradicated within a year from 47. 7 million heads of poultry on European farms impacted by the epidemic.”

Disease transitions were monitored to human beings in China, the United Kingdom, the United States, and finally in Spain, where a factor in a poultry farm was injured, while European health bodies consider that the risk of infection transmission is “small” in people who are not in a long contact with poultry, but it is “small to medium Persons involved at the professional level. ”
Foxes, more foxes, and a sea pig kept an eye on me.

Contrarily, eating meat and eggs is categorised as having “not mentioned” risk of disease transmission to humans.

England mandates poultry insulation to stop the spread of bird flu

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