Al -Mu’tasim Khalifa for Muslims in the year 218 AH … what the Islamic heritage says

Al -Mu’tasim Khalifa for Muslims in the year 218 AH … what the Islamic heritage says

How did that happen, why did Al-Abbas bin Al-Mamoun not succeed as caliph, and what does the Islamic tradition say? Caliph Al-Ma’mun passed away in the year 2018 and his brother Al-Mu’tasim was crowned by God.
The Caliphate of Al-Mu’tasim Billah Abu Ishaq Bin Harun, the first and last chapters of Al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer:
When he became ill and prayed to his brother Al-Ma’mun, certain princes in the realm of Abbas bin Al-Mamoun sought him out and the caliphate sold him to him on the day that his brother Al-Ma’mun Betsus passed away, on Thursday, the twelfth of Rajab from the year 1800.

How did that happen, why did Al-Abbas bin Al-Mamoun not succeed as caliph, and what does the Islamic tradition say? Caliph Al-Ma’mun passed away in the year 2018 and his brother Al-Mu’tasim was crowned by God.
The Caliphate of Al-Mu’tasim Billah Abu Ishaq Bin Harun, the first and last chapters of Al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer:
When he became ill and prayed to his brother Al-Ma’mun, certain princes in the realm of Abbas bin Al-Mamoun sought him out and the caliphate sold him to him on the day that his brother Al-Ma’mun Betsus passed away, on Thursday, the twelfth of Rajab from the year 1800.

Al-Mu’tasim rode the soldiers intended for Baghdad and accompanied by Al-Abbas bin Al-Mamoun, so he entered it on Saturday, the beginning of Ramadan, in a great pift and completely beautiful. He also transferred what was transferred to it from the weapon and others to the fortresses of Muslims, and the act authorised to leave to their countries.

And in it: The birth of numerous Haman, Asban, and Malabatan citizens; a festival in the Khurmiyyah religion; and the entrance of a large number of people from them. As a result, Al-Mu’tasim prepared numerous armies for them, the last of which is Ishaq bin Ibrahim bin Musab in a large army, and he held for him on the mountains. He then went outside in Dhu al-Qi’d

Imam Ahmad’s sedition occurred in my hands and was carried out in his hands, along with its extension in Ahmed’s translation in the year 42.1200.

What the Islamic tradition says about Al-Mu’tasim Khalifa as the leader of Muslims in the year 218 AH

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