Urgent .. Supply: Consumer complexes operate at full capacity

Urgent .. Supply: Consumer complexes operate at full capacity

His Excellency Prof. Dr. Professor Ahmed Kamal, a representative of the Minister of Supply and the Ministry’s official spokesman, confirmed that Mr.

The Nile and Alexandria consumer complexes have been operating at full capacity on Friday since morning, according to a thorough report that Ali Al-Moselhi, Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, received from the Holding Company for Food Industries. Early in all of its outlets and will work today, Saturday, also, the report also indicated that the public and Egyptian sentences have been opened throughout the Friday, and also today, which number 1500 stores to provide catering goods for more than 40 thousand supply outlets.

Mr. Ahmed Kamal, the Ministry’s official spokesman, confirmed that the ports of rice, flour, pasta, sugar, speculators, and mills all operated at full production capacity in order to supply the citizens’ needs for ration goods, and he added that the distribution of the November resolutions to distribute the distribution outlets to provide citizens with support cards had already taken place.

The report also emphasised that the Holding Company for Food Industries had made large quantities of basic ration goods available in all stores in anticipation of their delivery to retail branches, ration grocery stores, consumer complexes, and branches of my association project as part of an intensified supply of them, with a focus on commitment to spending them on citizens at official prices announced by the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, where the food co.

The spokesperson for the Ministry confirmed that the Control and Distribution Sector and all catering directorates are under strict orders from His Excellency Professor Dr. Al-Wazir to conduct daily campaigns and inspection tours of all ration facilities in order to maintain the regular flow of business.

Demand is urgent and consumer complexes are operating at full capacity.

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