The smiling sun … the disaster hidden behind the historical image

The smiling sun … the disaster hidden behind the historical image

These holes, according to scientists, are open magnetic regions that let solar winds escape the sun’s core and produce solar storms.
The waves coming from the holes have the potential to travel at a speed of 2. 9 million km/h. Because they are cooler and less energetic than the plasma zones nearby, the areas appear dark.
On the sun’s surface, solar storms produce strong magnetic fields that, as they approach Earth, can deliver extremely active proton currents into the atmosphere.

The sudden rush of molecules poses a radioactive danger to astronauts and passengers of airlines, and can damage satellites, energy networks and other electrical appliances.
Electrical service has previously been interrupted by a solar storm in 1989 for nine hours by power plants in Canada, leaving millions of people in the dark.

Although it assured that the solar storm is from the low G1 level, the National Meteorological Department of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Department in the United States issued a warning about one that may hit the Earth in the upcoming days. This storm is capable of causing minor changes in energy networks and increasing compassionate activity in the poles.

After uncovering remnants of a massive storm that swept the atmosphere and bombarded the Earth with a barrage of radioactive substances more than 2500 years ago under the ice cover in Greenland, Swedish scientists issued a warning that solar storms may wipe out life on Earth in 2019.
A set of radioactive elements discharged by the storm that slammed the globe in 660 BC were discovered by researchers studying ice at a depth of nearly half a kilometre below the surface of the earth.

The scientists noted that the radioactive elements had the same strength as the most powerful solar storm ever recorded, which impacted Earth in 775 AD, and were at least 10 times as powerful as any elements that had been observed by devices set up to detect such events over the previous 70 years.

The happy light… the catastrophe concealed in the old picture

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