The Brazilians are elected today as President of the country

The Brazilians are elected today as President of the country

Following a highly contentious campaign, more than 156 million Brazilians were invited to vote for a president today, Sunday, in an uncertain polling. If not for the referee, will he come back or can Bolsonaro win or refuse to lose?
As the two candidates spat insults in front of tens of millions of people, Brazil is today divided in a harsh climate of polarisation, punctuated by massive amounts of false material on social media.

Beginning at eight local time (11:00 GMT) on Sunday, voters in the vast nation of Brazil travel to the polls.

The former left-wing president of the country, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (2003–2010), has been predicted by opinion polls to serve a third four-year term, but the outgoing right-wing president, Jayer Bolsonaro, still holds out some hope following the unexpected result of the first round of the elections on October 2nd, with 43% of the votes, compared to 48% for the first.

A dynamic supporting Bolsonaro at the stage between the two sessions showed him to be underperforming by more than 10 percentage points from his opponent, according to polls.
The results of the recent survey of the opinion prepared by the Davatolia Institute, published on Saturday evening, are strengthened by Amal Bolsonaro, with the difference in the difference, and he expected Lula Willed 52% of the votes, compared to 48% for the outgoing president.

The margin of error is 2%, and surveys have already been off by this amount.
In this regard, America’s editor-in-chief, Brian Winter, said: “The war is blazing more fiercely than anyone anticipated. Elections will be quite mysterious.

“The main query is: Will Bolsonaro accept the outcome on Sunday night if it had not won the elections?
Following repeated criticisms of the “fraudulent” computerised voting system, Bolsonaro recently denounced the alleged existence of a flaw in the radio ad distribution system used during his campaign. But he emphasised on Friday that “whoever receives the most votes wins.
Rogerio Dolla Dos Santos of Flumini University in Flumini stated for his part that “Bolsonaro will cut the outcome.

After Donald Trump lost the US presidential election, many worry that the attack on the Capitol building would happen again. For instance, Bolsonaro may have long been targeting the Supreme Court.

Today, Brazilians are chosen to lead the nation as president.

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