Assistant Minister of Health: Presidential initiatives have provided solutions to problems that Egypt suffered within two decades

Assistant Minister of Health: Presidential initiatives have provided solutions to problems that Egypt suffered within two decades


Mohamed Hassani, Assistant Minister of Health and Population for Presidential Initiatives, revealed that after the approval of comprehensive health insurance, there was a transitional period to offer quick fixes to the issues Egypt experienced over the previous two decades, which burdened the Egyptian citizen. From this came the idea of presidential initiatives, and for the first time in Egypt, we are talking about C virus and millions of injuries, and the detectable C virus has been identified.

He said, that in 2018 all sides cooperated with each other to make the initiative a success, and we have a healthy map showing the extent of the spread of C virus in Egypt, and the examination of anemia, obesity, women’s health and many initiatives coincided with it to develop effective solutions to achieve a good health response until the banner is delivered to comprehensive health insurance As a clear strategy and the Ministry of Health have been formed that reached a strategy until 2030, how to construct a clear strategy with diseases, medicines, and rates of diseases.

He continued by saying that clinical research laws and clear data have recently been developed in regard to all health-related issues. He also mentioned that Egypt conducted 805 studies that were published during the Corona epidemic and explained that the cost of breast tumours increases by 32% over the first stage and doubles in the second stage.

He pointed out that before the women’s health initiative, only 6% in 2018 the number of women who could self -detection on the breast, and the cases of breast cancer were discovered in the advanced stages, explaining that the percentage of women discovered in the third and fourth stage of the tumor before the initiative represented 29. 5% and size 2. 4 cm is the size of the tumour, and following the initiative, 58.5% of women were found to have a 5. 5 cm tumour.

This occurred during the New Republic’s drug and health care conference, which is now taking place in Cairo.

Assistant Minister of Health: Within 20 years, difficulties Egypt faced had been resolved thanks to presidential measures.

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