Aoun warns of constitutional chaos and promotes Basil to succeed him

Aoun warns of constitutional chaos and promotes Basil to succeed him

the Baabda Palace in Beirut President Michel Aoun of Lebanon, whose tenure as leader comes to an end on Sunday and whose name is frequently on people’s thoughts He is still considering an unspecified political move in the last hours of his mandate to address the constitutional crisis, but he told Reuters, “There is no final decision” about what this step could have.
In response to a query, he replied, “Yes, it is legitimate for constitutional disorder to occur.

He refuted claims that the United States placed it on its sanctions list in 2020 due to allegations of corruption.
Basil would be able to run for president regardless of the sanctions, according to Aoun, who added, “It is obvious that he has the right to run for president.” Regarding the American sanctions and whether they would be an obstacle without his son-in-nomination, law’s he responded, “We eliminate it as soon as it is elected.

His remarks are made in light of the financial crisis that began in 2019 and the Beirut port explosion that resulted in fatalities in 2020. These two catastrophes, of course, occurred during his reign, which he ends without accomplishments but with a track record of disasters.

The day before the end of his six-year term, on Sunday, Aoun is scheduled to leave the Baabda presidential palace. However, despite four electoral sessions, no president has been chosen despite the parliament’s unprecedented division following the May elections. This is because the political blocs were unable to come to an agreement on a candidate to replace Aoun.

Lebanon is currently on the verge of an unprecedented situation where the presidency is empty and the business drain government has only limited authority. The role of president has been vacant numerous times in the past.
Aoun achieved a diplomatic breakthrough that would enable both countries to harvest gas from marine resources when he signed an American agreement on the demarcation of the South maritime borders of Lebanon with Israel during his final week in office.

He added that “the initiative taken by Hezbollah was not coordinated with the state, but it was useful” and that the powerful Hezbollah group, supported by Iran, was a “deterrent” to continuing negotiations in favour of Lebanon by sending drones over Israel and repeatedly threatening to attack the marine drilling platforms.
We refused to accept that you would not let us extract oil and gas from our waters, he added. We would not have permitted Israel to extract gas in this situation.

“The currency lost 95% of its value and contributed to the poverty of 80% of the population.

Aoun urges Basil to succeed him and issues a warning about constitutional turmoil.

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