After the threat, the Tunisian Football Association responds to the “FIFA” inquiries

After the threat, the Tunisian Football Association responds to the “FIFA” inquiries

The Tunisian Football Association answered to questions “in his latest email, which was asked to clarify the intervention of the government side in the activity of the local federation,” according to local media reports.

Given the lack of disclosure of the response’s specifics and the fact that the FIFA office for member federations affairs is the party in question, a source, cited by the “Mosaique” website, confirmed that the response has no negative effects on the Tunisian state and upholds the rights and interests of Tunisian teams and clubs.

The “FIFA” had written to the Tunisian Football Association, asking for information about what, according to him, had caught his attention: the state authorities’ apparent desire to meddle in the business of the local federation, the operation of its operations, and the wave of dissolving the union office.

“In this regard, we would like to remind you that the FIFA member federations are legally obligated to manage their affairs independently and without an unjustified impact from third parties (according to the FIFA Basic System). It may carry out any punishments specified in FIFA statutes, including the suspension of the relevant union, if He did not uphold these commitments.

And the “FIFA” asked that, by no later than Friday, October 28, 2022, it be given the Federal Office’s position on all that occurs as well as more information so that he could completely assess the matter.
The Confederation of African Football was also given a copy of the International Football Association’s communication.
Source: “Mosaquefm. net”.

The Tunisian Football Association answers to “FIFA” questions following the threat

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