After the start of gas production .. Labid inspects the Carrich field

After the start of gas production .. Labid inspects the Carrich field

Following the beginning of gas production in the Carrich Bahri field, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid visited it today, Sunday.
“The State of Israel’s economy and energy future are here. Israel’s energy costs will drop as a result of the Karish field’s gas production, which will also assist Europe deal with its current energy crisis. Gas, which is seen as a cost, flows from this point on. This represents a significant victory for the State of Israel.

The CEO of “Energean Israel ISRAEL,” Shaul Tzemach, gave the Israeli Prime Minister a comprehensive summary of the gas production process in this field, which began last Wednesday.
Later, Labid proceeded to the control room, spoke with the Israeli workers inside, and climbed up to the observation deck to take in the platform and surroundings.
Israel’s energy costs are predicted to go down as a result of the gas production from the Karish field.

Israel will simultaneously boost its natural gas exports and aid Europe in resolving the continent’s current energy problem.
Natural gas production from the Carrich and Tanin fields was started by the business “Energean Plc,” which holds the rights to do so. Natural gas from the Carrich field provides electricity to customers in Israel since the end of last week.
Author: RT.

After gas production began, Labid examines the Carrich field.

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