After counting 12% of the votes … Bolsonaro advances in the run -off in the Brazilian presidential elections

After counting 12% of the votes … Bolsonaro advances in the run -off in the Brazilian presidential elections

During the initial vote-counting in Jolly for the presidential elections that were held today, Sunday, Brazilian President Jayer Bolsonaro declared his opponent, former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the winner.
Bolsonaro gained 51 when 12% of ballots cast electronically were counted. 9% of the vote versus 48. According to the British newspaper Guardian, 1% of the population supports Lula da Silva.

During the first round of voting on October 2, Lula Da Silva received 48% of the vote over Polsonaro’s 43%. The latter’s result came much higher than what opinion polls expected, which gave him some momentum during the election campaign before the run -off.

In addition to strengthening the coalition of right-wing parties and powerful agricultural interest groups that supported his campaign, Bolsonaro’s second term would maintain Brazil on the road of free market reforms and less stringent environmental protection measures.

12 percent of the votes have been tallied. Bolsonaro advances in the run -off in the Brazilian presidential elections

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