The Brotherhood channel changed its name .. It accuses Al of obstructing its broadcast

The Brotherhood channel changed its name .. It accuses Al of obstructing its broadcast

As confirmed by Al, the new Brotherhood satellite channel “Freedom 11-11” declared last Tuesday that it will postpone its broadcast till the first of November and modify its name from “Harak 11-11,” which was supposed to launch.

According to a formal statement, the satellite channel authorised stopping the broadcast via the French moon, YouTelsat, yesterday evening, Thursday, at a time when it intersected with Nilesat. It claimed that this occurred as a result of Egyptian parties interfering with the European company to stop broadcasting.

She emphasised, however, that the Board of Trustees of the channel run by the Brotherhood’s Taher Al-Sharqawi is making every effort to locate a different European company with frequencies that coincide with Nilesat’s orbit while continuing to persuade the first company to keep its original frequency and not hand it over to Cairo so that they can broadcast live.

In addition, the Brotherhood satellite channel “Al-Arabiya” came under fire, saying that what was written about it and the funding for its airing on the “Al Arabiya. net” website.

Although the satellite channel denied its dependency on the Brotherhood, it confirmed in its statement that it will start broadcasting it over 24 hours, starting from next Tuesday to transfer the activities and the revolutionary movement that the group called on November 11, claiming that it is owned by a revolutionary and political alliance that expresses the Egyptian people with all its sects and factions.
“Al Arabiya.”

the “peoples” and “Harak 11-11” mob of protests against the state and authority on November 11, as well as the launch of the Brotherhood, two new satellite channels transmitting from the British capital, London, their financial sources, and their involvement in inciting against Egypt.

After revealing the Brotherhood’s new media plans and the launch of satellite channels for the purpose of mobilising supporters and crowds for demonstrations in Egypt, Brotherhood journalist Moataz Matar, who hosts the “Peoples” satellite channel in his programme, attacked “Al-Arabiya” on Monday evening.

Introducing what was published by and Al-Arabiya pamphlets on this plan, the fleeing Egyptian journalist who was expelled from Turkey admitted that the new satellite channel was launched within a plan to incite people and overthrow them against their governments and overthrow the Arab regimes, while claiming that it is not a Brotherhood plan but rather popular demands.

It is noteworthy that the Brotherhood made the decision to name Matar in charge of the “Peoples” satellite channel in order to draw in the remaining broadcasters and media professionals who would depart from Istanbul once their programmes and media activities ceased, in accordance with the decision of the Turkish authorities.

The group decided to use a large number of stomachs, correspondents and technicians affiliated with it and transferring them from Turkey to the headquarters of the satellite channel in London and the offices scheduled to open in a number of countries.
These actions followed its decision to halt the Brotherhood’s media operations on its territory in order to improve relations with Egypt.

Additionally, it demanded that the broadcasters of the group who were inciting against Cairo suspend a number of their broadcasts. The firm also chose to launch its new space platforms from Vietnam and Britain.

The name of the Brotherhood channel has changed. It accuses Al of obstructing its broadcast

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