I incited to kill Salman Rushdie … US sanctions against an Iranian institution

I incited to kill Salman Rushdie … US sanctions against an Iranian institution

News from Al-Madinah: The famous British American author Salman Rushdie was born in India, and the “15 Khadad” organisation, based in Iran, offered a bonus of millions of dollars for anyone who would murder him, according to a statement from the US Treasury Ministry released today, Friday.
Since the spirit of God Khomeini issued a fatwa by wasting Rushdie’s blood in February 1989, the Foundation of the Supreme Leader has allocated millions of dollars to anyone who wants to kill him.

However, the Foundation recently raised the reward for targeting the writer.
The United States will not tolerate the threats made by the Iranian government against the broad rights to freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press, according to Brian Nelson, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Affairs.

Salman Rushdie’s agent in India reported that after being attacked in the neck and trunk on August 12 while ascending to a platform at the Chautauqua Institute Hall for Literature in New York to deliver a lecture on artistic freedom, he lost vision in one eye and was no longer able to use one of his hands.

Hadi Matar, a Lebanese-American writer who was 24 years old and had previously received death threats from Iran in the 1980s after publishing his book The Satanic Verses or “Satanic Verses,” was unable to complete the day.

US sanctions against an Iranian institution; I called for the assassination of Salman Rushdie.

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