The Mauritanian President is discussing with a European official to cooperate in combating terrorism and African coast issues

The Mauritanian President is discussing with a European official to cooperate in combating terrorism and African coast issues

The European Union’s Special Envoy to the Coast, Mr. Anjim Adum, spoke with Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Sheikh Al-Ghazwani about the Presidential Palace in Nouakchott, collaboration in the fight against terrorism, and the location of the African coast.

After the meeting, the European official told reporters that there are some issues that need to be addressed through conversation and dialogue with the nations and organisations gathered by the International Alliance to Combat Terrorism in order to obtain the necessary tools to combat terrorism. This includes providing suitable conditions for nations and peoples in order to attract investments that will increase job opportunities and standard of living.

He added that his trip to Mauritania is part of a tour his leaders are taking through a number of nations to activate the work of the coal coalition, which is made up of about 60 countries and organisers from around the world, and to set up a road map that brings together the southern and northern countries and highlights the events taking place in the Sahel region, particularly the five-year group in the coast.

The African coast issues and terrorism are being discussed by the Mauritanian President and a European authority.

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