Security Council: The Houthi attack on Daba threatens international navigation

Security Council: The Houthi attack on Daba threatens international navigation

The UN Security Council condemned the October 21 drone attack by the Houthis on the Yemeni port of Daba in a statement on Wednesday night.
In a statement distributed by the Ireland mission to the UN via its “Twitter” account, the council described the Houthi attack on the port of Daba as “a significant threat to the peace process in Yemen and its stability.”
Houthi Council, goodby. Let’s try to end these attacks as soon as possible and to extend the Yemeni truce.

The council went on to say that the security and freedom of navigation that are protected by international law are at risk due to the Houthi offensive.
He said that any security escalation “will exacerbate the suffering of the Yemenis,” pointing to the need for the Houthis to stop such attacks.

Members of the UN Security Council reaffirmed their support for Hans Grendberg, the organization’s special envoy, in his efforts to find a comprehensive political solution led by Yemen and based on accepted precedents.

This comes as the Yemeni Council of Ministers called on the international community, as well as Yemen’s partners in the fight against terrorism, to designate the Houthi militia as a terrorist organisation, prohibit communication with it, and cut off its funding sources at a meeting held in the interim capital of Aden on Wednesday.

The Council of Ministers heard reports on the consequences of the terrorist attack by the Houthis on the ports of Al-Daba oil in Hadramout and the Petroleum Port in Shabwa, as well as on the options for dealing with the terrorist Houthi militias in order to safeguard the interests of the Yemeni people, the world’s energy supplies, and the flow of international navigation.

In order to prevent terrorist attacks against the Houthis, the Yemeni Council of Ministers has approved a number of decisions and measures. As part of this effort, the countries of the Alliance to Support Legitimacy, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, must increase readiness and be prepared for any eventuality.

The Houthi strike on Daba poses a threat to global navigation, according to the Security Council

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