Jeresson authorities: The city’s defense lines were completed

Jeresson authorities: The city’s defense lines were completed

The pro-Moscow leadership in Khaison announced that all the defence lines were finished as the city in southern Ukraine held by Russian army was ready for the heaviest battles.
According to a correspondent for Al-Arabiya/Al-Hadath on Thursday, the formation of the defence lines in the area.
He also emphasised that moving the line of confrontation to the back is the only way to guarantee the return of people to their homes.

He also said that management of the Jeresson region had been shifted to the Dnieb River’s left bank.
These declarations followed the Russian army’s successful defence against multiple Ukrainian raids on Wednesday in the Davidov region of Broud, north of Khaisson, involving up to four tactical battalions.

The artillery of the 42nd Venice Group assisted the air-mobile troops in repelling all of the Ukrainian forces’ desperate attempts to advance from the Davydov BROD towards Ishchenka, according to Streamosov at the time. As a result, the air-mobile units were able to keep their positions.
It is interesting to note that Sergey Sorovkin, a Russian general who was given responsibility for leading military operations in Ukraine more than two weeks ago, had already acknowledged the dire conditions in the southern Ukrainian region.

This description came weeks after the counter -attack launched by the Ukrainian forces since last September, with the aim of regaining control of many towns and cities in the south and east.
It is noteworthy that Keyansson is the first significant Ukrainian city to have fallen under Russian hands since hostilities began on February 24, which marked a powerful erection of Moscow.

It is also one of the four districts that the Kremlin stated it would annex to Russia in late September 2022, thus Ukrainian authority over it will be a humiliating blow to the Russian army’s reputation.
In addition, this region has a special importance, as it includes the Kakhovka Station to generate electricity, and the Antonovsky Bridge, which connects the city to the southern West Bank to the Dnieber River and the rest of the Jeresson region.

Jiusson’s physical location is also very significant because it lies on the border between the Dniprobrofrovsk and Nicolaiv areas, borders Crimea on the land in the south, and looks out onto the Black Sea in the southwest and the Azov Sea in the southeast.

Authorities in Jeresson: The city’s defence lines have been finished.

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