Health: Breast cancer affects women of all ages … and the high rate after puberty

Health: Breast cancer affects women of all ages … and the high rate after puberty

The Ministry of Health and Population said that breast cancer affects women of all ages after puberty, but at increasing rates in late stages of life.
In a statement published today, the Ministry of Health added: “Early detection is essential for protection at various age levels.”

The Ministry of Health and Population also noted that the initiative of the President of the Republic of Women’s Health was successful in examining and educating 28 million and 962 thousand people about their health. The Ministry of Health and Population added that the diagnosis and early detection of breast tumours contributes to reducing the burden on the patient and the state through the effective response to the treatment protocols provided by the initiative for free, in accordance with the most recent international standards.

According to the Ministry, the initiative offers its free services to examine women through 3538 health units at the level of the republic’s governorates, in addition to 102 hospitals’ participation in providing medical care to women who need their condition to conduct an advanced examination. The Ministry noted that the locations of those units can be found on the initiative’s official website, http://www. 100millionSeha.

For instance, the 100 Million Health Initiative’s hotline can be reached at 15335 to handle questions on breast cancer.

Health: After puberty, the risk of breast cancer increases significantly for women of all ages.

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