A young cry in Iran .. A picture that summarizes the protests “We are tired”

A young cry in Iran .. A picture that summarizes the protests “We are tired”

A photo of the core of the protest, in which thousands of people travelled to the grave of the young woman Mhisa Amini on the occasion of the 40-day anniversary of her passing, quickly went viral and challenged the security forces in Iran yesterday.

In that photograph, a young woman without a veil stood her hair over a car as thousands appeared to be making their way towards the Amani cemetery in the town of Saqz, defying the strict security measures and the bloody campaign The authorities launched against those demonstrations led by women. The photograph summarised a lot of what she carried and the protests that continued into her sixth week in Iran.

The triumph mark’s lever was raised as a symbol of Iranian youth’s will to demand their rights and to express their weariness from the oppression they experience in light of the implementation of stringent rules that do not apply to them.
While hundreds of men and women who gathered in the Aiji cemetery chanted “Woman, Hayat, Freedom” and “Death for the Dictator”, according to video tapes broadcast on social media.

Others said, referring to the Iranian leader Ali Khamenei, “This year is the year of blood. Mr. Ali will fall.”
In addition, the protesters joined the prominent Iranian soccer players, the legendary scorer Ali Daei and goalkeeper Hamid to you, according to the non -governmental organization “Henko”, which monitors violations of rights in the Kurdistan governorate based in Norway.

The strikes and market strikes spread to several cities in Kurdistan, including “Senndge, Saqz, Diwanah, Mariwan, and Camyran.”
On the other hand, “according to” Henkau, the security forces consciously used repressive tactics, fired tear gas, and opened fire on protesters in Zindan Square in the town of Saqz.
While the judiciary of the nation made accusations against about 300 detainees in connection with the actions, bringing the total number of accusers to over 1000.

Security services advised the Amini family not to organise any celebrations on the fortieth anniversary and ordered them to publish a statement asking people not to visit their burial because otherwise “they should worry for the life of their son!” Human rights activists earlier corroborated this.
It is noteworthy that since the death of the 22 -year -old young woman on September 16, three days after her arrest by the Ethics Police during a visit to Tehran with her younger brother, claiming that she violated the strict clothing rules imposed, and the demonstrations were not subside in the country.

According to what many analysts and observers have confirmed over the past six weeks, she ignited her death that sparked unprecedented protests in Iran three years ago. Frequently, young women and students of them burned their veil, or cut their hair, in a political message and challenge to the authorities, and an affirmation that the young segment, or what is known as the generation “Generation Z,” in Wadi and the authorities in another valley.

A child sobs in Iran. A picture that summarizes the protests “We are tired”

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