Washington: Russia informed us of plans to conduct nuclear exercises

Washington: Russia informed us of plans to conduct nuclear exercises

In an effort to lower the danger of discretionary abuse amid growing concerns that Moscow could deploy nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the United States revealed on Tuesday that Russia had informed it of routine nuclear training.
According to a statement from the US State Department, Russia abided by the terms of the agreements that stated the US should be informed of any intercontinental ballistic missile tests and ballistic missiles launched from submarines.

Russia conducts this standard annual training, according to Ned Price, a spokesman for the foreign ministry.
“These notification methods include removing the surprise factor and decreasing the risk of discretion,” the statement reads. “While Russia is engaged in an unlawful attack and the launch of reckless nuclear threats.
The Pentagon responded on Tuesday by stating that Russia has informed the United States of its plans to conduct nuclear force exercises.

She declined to offer any other information on the drills, which are anticipated to involve ballistic missile launch tests.
“As we have previously stated, Russia informed the United States of this yearly practise exercise. As a result, by submitting these notices, Russia complies with its commitments to reduce its arsenal and increase openness “General Patrick Ryder, the Pentagon’s pentagader, stated in a news release.

The US and Russian defence ministers spoke twice last week, which was unusual given the rising tensions that have existed since the beginning of the Russian military action in Ukraine on February 24.
Additionally, the United States, France, and Britain reported that Sergey Shwigo, the Russian Defense Secretary, had alluded to “potential provocations by Ukraine deploying a dirty bomb” during telephone conversations.

“The “false” Russian accusations were dismissed by the United States, Britain, and France on Monday in an united statement. If an attempt is made to use this charge as justification, the statement warned that “the world will not be foolish.”
On Tuesday, Price said: “We are concerned that Russia has a pattern of accusing others of what it planned to do later,” describing Russian statements as “irresponsible.

But he emphasised that there are no signs from the US that Moscow was getting ready to deploy nuclear weapons.

Russia notified us of its plans to conduct nuclear exercises in Washington.

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