The European Commission proposes new rules for water and more clean air

The European Commission proposes new rules for water and more clean air

More stern guidelines for lowering air, surface, and groundwater pollutants as well as water waste treatment in cities were put forth by the European Commission today, on Wednesday.
Vice President of the Commission France Timmermans stated in a statement that “any hazardous environment has direct and expensive effects for our health.”
“Hundreds of thousands of Europeans die young every year, and many more have other heart, lung, or cancer ailments brought on by pollution,” he continued.

The UNHCR aims to align its present limitations with the World Health Organization’s suggestions.
It is noteworthy that the European Union is currently allowed to emat 25 micrograms per cubic meter of microbios “BM 2. 5” annually, and the new annual limit will be reduced to 10 micrograms per cubic meter by 2030, while the World Health Organization recommends that the maximum be 5 micrograms/ per cubic meter.

According to UNHCR estimates, 300,000 Europeans die prematurely each year as a result of air pollution, and 75% of these fatalities are related to micro-deaths that could have been avoided within 10 years if the suggested standards had been followed.
In addition to pesticides, UNHCR recommends revising the list of water pollutants by incorporating 25 other substances, including so-called “eternal compounds” that do not decompose.

According to the UNHCR, the update of water treatment rules in urban areas will lead to rivers and more clean lakes, in addition to improving cost and energy efficiency.
The European Parliament and the member states of Europe continue to support the plans.

The European Commission has proposed new regulations for cleaner air and water.

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