Professor of Sadriya: Birds inside the house may cause allergies and damage to the lung fabric

Professor of Sadriya: Birds inside the house may cause allergies and damage to the lung fabric

According to Dr. Nizar Refaat, a professor of chest illnesses in Minya medicine, 5% of people who raise any other bird in their homes and 8% of people who raise ornamental birds experience allergies.
He underlined that the most significant reasons, which may not be apparent for a while, are trash and the material that gives feathers “a shine.”

He stated at the Egyptian Society for Chest and Tuberculosis conference, which is currently taking place in Cairo, that the immune interaction in the lung fabric is what causes these complications and that if he is not treated, it will result in lung fibrosis. He also added that it is important to avoid breeding birds in homes and that if he does raise birds, he must wear a mask and keep the birds in an open area.

He emphasised that the immune system interacts with the secretion of immune materials and receives them as dangerous bodies, and that these immune materials affect the lung tissue and affect them with fibrosis for people who suffer from allergies to these substances and that they destroy the lung tissue.

While inhalation devices with cortisone sprays are safe for people with asthma, some people are afraid of them. He added that sprays without cortisone can lead to serious complications for the patient. He stressed the importance of having enough knowledge about these subjects and correcting false information.

According to him, industrial respirators do not cause patients to die; rather, they save their lives. Patients can use industrial respirators for a number of hours after being discharged from the hospital, and doctors typically use them during most operations until the patient resumes leading a normal life.

Professor Sadriya: Birds in the house might lead to allergies and lung tissue damage.

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