How does chronic stress affect your brain health?

How does chronic stress affect your brain health?

Everyone knows that stress is a part of life, but different people experience it differently. Some people experience stress more frequently and severely than others, and some people may not be able to handle it.
People who are unable to control or cope with stress or who are in untenable situations frequently suffer grave and detrimental effects on their health.
Many people are still ignorant of how prolonged stress damages the brain, according to the “Vrywellhealth” website.

ways that psychological stress can seriously harm your health
The brain can shrink under stress.
Chronic stress raises cortisol levels, which has been linked to reduced grey matter in the frontal lobe cortex, the brain region responsible for self-control, attention, and other functions, as well as higher cortisol levels in the blood.

risk factors for mental illness
Constant strain can cause PTSD as well as despair, anxiety, and other mental diseases. Hormones, the heart, and metabolism are all impacted by stress, and long-term chronic stress alters the structure and function of the brain and may result in a number of mental diseases.

Stress in excess can cause brain cell death.
Researchers claim that when a person experiences extremely stressful circumstances, the neurons in their brain’s defences may die. The area of the brain called the forest is in charge of memory, learning, and feeling.

How can ongoing stress impact the health of your brain?

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