European invitations to donate to Kev .. Zelinxi demands 38 billion dollars

European invitations to donate to Kev .. Zelinxi demands 38 billion dollars

News from Al-Madinah: On Tuesday, the European Commission asked the member states of the European Union to increase their financial and material contributions to Ukraine’s energy sector, which accounted for more than a third of the destruction of Russian missiles and drone assaults.
The main goal, according to European Union Energy Commissioner Cadre Simson, “is to protect and care for thousands and tens of thousands of families, vulnerable, children, and the elderly before this next winter.”

She noted that the transformers, electrical circuit separation systems, and Ukrainian electricity lines were destroyed, which resulted in the power outage, adding: “It is urgent.” This was after a meeting of the Energy Ministers in Luxembourg.
She asserted that it is obvious that additional donations, in excess of the 20. 5 million euros that were raised, are required (20. 43 million dollars). Special authorities, including businesses, are urged to increase their donations as well.

Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski had said at a conference on Ukraine’s reconstruction that Russian missiles and Iranian -made drones destroyed more than a third of the energy sector in his country.
Zelinxi urged the international community to contribute financially to his country’s anticipated $38 billion budget shortfall for the following year as a result of the war.

A decision regarding assistance in reducing the budget deficit for Ukraine the following year should be made, said Zellinski in a video chat.
Olaf Schultz, the chancellor of Germany, stated that even if the war continues, the rehabilitation of Ukraine will be a “generation project” that must begin right away.
The mission of a generation that must begin right away, in his opinion, is “no less than the construction of a new Marshall plan for the twenty-first century.”

European requests for donations for Kevin. Zelinxi demands 38 billion dollars

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