Especially Iraq .. Is the Sudanese decided the struggle of ministerial bags?

Especially Iraq .. Is the Sudanese decided the struggle of ministerial bags?

The office of the Prime Minister in charge, Mr. Shi’a Al-Sudani, is conducting the final auditing of the names proposed to fill ministerial positions in the new government in anticipation of presenting it to the House of Representatives on Thursday, according to a statement released by the Sudanese media office on Wednesday.

The statement added: “The auditing process is carried out by examining names by specialized committees from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Interior and Forensic Evidence, and the Integrity, Accountability and Justice Editions.

He went on: “To ensure the integrity of their position in the integrity, accountability, and justice bodies, the committees will confirm the academic credentials presented by the candidates and check to see if any of them have criminal records. Any candidate who indicates this in the records of the aforementioned regulatory and security departments will be disqualified.

As the Sunni sovereignty alliance, which controls its poles in the coordination framework, and the two main Kurdish parties on the parliamentary majority, observers believe that the Sudanese government will easily pass under the dome of Parliament. This suggests that the offered formation that will win the confidence of the parliament will be incomplete, pending obstacles and disputes over some The ministerial portfol

Conflict between ministries
And in an interview with the “Sky News Arabia” website, the Iraqi writer and researcher Ali Al-Baydar stated that “The Sudanese has been accomplished, as his ministerial formation, and now delivered the ball at the stadium of the House of Representatives, where the data indicate that he was able to complete more than 75 percent of his mission to form the new, and he seeks to pass it in record time.”

“Al-Baydar explained that even though the government will not be fully formed because two or more ministers will be awaiting the final agreement on who will assume these bags, it is anticipated that the government formation will be approved and given confidence in the session that is scheduled for Thursday.
Indicating that “Regrettably, the divisions do not disappear, and they frequently persist even when the Sudanese government is provided support.

For instance, some Iraqi provinces and clans, as well as those from different parts of the country, are demanding that they be given equal representation, as well as that the allocation of ministries and positions among blocs and parts, be done outside the context of traditional quotas based on sectarian and nationalist principles, and in a way that ensures the introduction of regional c

It is noteworthy that the President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Rashid, gave the Sudanese the task of forming the new government on the 13th of this month after a full year of turbulent political crises and debates that plunged the nation into a protracted political impasse.

If the Prime Minister is successful in getting his government’s formation approved during the upcoming Thursday session of Parliament, it will mean that he completed the mission, which must be finished within a maximum of 30 days from the date of assignment, in just two weeks.

particularly in Iraq. Is the Sudanese decided the struggle of ministerial bags?

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