Côte Saint-Luc names park after late teen, Joshua Ezekiel Alexander

Côte Saint-Luc names park after late teen, Joshua Ezekiel Alexander

Three well-known historical figures—Jeanne-Mance, Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine, and Jean-Drapeau—have parks named after them to honour their contributions.
Joshua Ezekiel Alexander has recently been included on the list.
Alexander’s accomplishments have significance for many people of Emerald Avenue in Côte Saint-Luc even though he isn’t as well known.
Because of this, a local park now carries his name.
Alexander spent as much time as his health would allow playing at the neighbourhood park while growing up on Emerald Avenue.

Joshua deserves it; he’s been through a lot, said his mother Victoria Wignal. “I’m extremely proud,” she said.
Alexander had a heart transplant when he was just one year old, and he had numerous health problems all of his life that made it difficult for him to lead a regular life.
In the park, Alexander found happiness.
He had numerous friends in the area, according to Wingal, who truly looked after him. “When he was able to play, they truly knew how to look after him.

Wingal claimed that during the years, Alexander displayed remarkable fortitude, bravery, and defied all expectations.
He was even given the nickname “miracle baby” by doctors because they didn’t expect him to survive past the age of four.
He was 19 years old when he passed away in 2014.
His neighbourhood took note of his tenacity.
Residents came together and proposed his name when the city sought to rename the park after upgrading it.

Residents were asked to recommend a noteworthy figure from history or culture, or someone who has had a direct impact on Côte Saint-Luc residents’ lives for at least 15 years.
On July 11th, 2022, city council passed a resolution establishing the open area as Parc Joshua Ezekiel Alexander Park.
Wignal, a devout Christian, felt that the city’s choice was a fulfilment of her wishes.

I frequently prayed, “I wish I had something to carry on Joshua’s name,” and it materialised… Sometimes I would prepare to beg for and plant a tree, but God would do more, according to Wignal.
“I’m really happy, I’m very happy, and I’m extremely proud.”
On Tuesday, the park’s new name and plaque was unveiled in the presence of Alexander’s neighbours, family and Côte Saint-Luc city officials.

Mitchell Brownstein, the mayor of the city, expressed his inspiration after hearing Alexander’s tale and expressed hope that other children using the park will share this feeling.
It conveys the idea that we should cherish each and every second of existence. The trip, the moment, and how you spend those moments matter more than how long you live, according to Brownstein.
Tyrese Peters, Alexander’s nephew, claims that the park will now always serve as a reminder of his late uncle.

The fact that this park is named in his honour, according to Peters, revives his memory.
Wignal asserts that her son will be beaming with pride and excitement when he looks down on him.
“Everyone would be welcomed, and Joshua would be proud. “Joshua will be keeping an eye on the kids,” Wignal stated.
Wingal continued by saying she thinks all the kids that play in the park moving forward are doing it in memory of everyone whose lives were cut short, including her son’s.

Côte Saint-Luc names park after late teen, Ezekiel Alexander Joshua

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