A Russian complaint with the United Nations about Ukraine’s biological laboratories

A Russian complaint with the United Nations about Ukraine’s biological laboratories

With strong proof of these actions gathered by the Russian side in Ukraine, Russia has complained to the UN about US biological laboratories in Ukraine.

In two letters sent on Wednesday to the UN Secretary-General and the UN Security Council President, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nippinsia, stated that “under the sixth Article of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Summary Weapons, Russia went to the UN Security Council is an official complaint, which includes all possible evidence That justifies this complaint.

The letter said, “Russia once more requests a session of the UN Security Council to review the proposed draught resolution on October 27, 2022.
According to Nippinsia, the proposed resolution “aims to establish a commission to investigate the allegations made by the Russian side of Washington and Kiev by establishing biological laboratories in Ukraine.
Moscow anticipates that the committee will be able to disclose all the specifics of Kiev’s and Washington’s adherence to the Convention on Biological and Nuclear Weapons.

According to diplomatic sources, on Tuesday, Russia reiterated the UN Security Council’s charges that Ukraine had manufactured a “dirty bomb” and expressed “concern” about the IAEA inspectors’ capacity to demonstrate the reverse. Kyiv and the West have both refuted these claims.

This conversation was started by Russia, whose ambassador to the UN addressed a letter to the UN Security Council and Antonio Guterres in which he reiterated Russia’s claims that Ukraine had engaged in “provocation.”
After the discussion, Dmitry Poliannski, the deputy Russian ambassador to the UN, stated, “We think it is a severe danger and a serious threat.”

The Zeilinsky regime wants to escape defeat and wants to involve NATO in a direct conflict with Russia, therefore Ukraine has the means and the will to execute this, he continued.
Moscow was charged for the first time, on Sunday, during telephone conversations between Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and its American, French, British and Turkish counterparts, noting “possible provocations by Ukraine using a dirty bomb.

The West and Ukraine dispute the claim as untrue, but Russia has confirmed that Kyiv was ready to use a “dirty bomb” in Ukraine. Russia also announced that it will bring the issue before the Security Council.

Russians’ grievance against Ukraine’s biological laboratory at the UN

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