Russia refers the issue of the “dirty bomb” to the Security Council

Russia refers the issue of the “dirty bomb” to the Security Council

The West and Ukraine dispute the allegations as untrue, but Russia has confirmed its warnings that Kyiv is ready to unleash a “dirty bomb” in Ukraine. Russia said it would bring the matter before the UN Security Council later on Tuesday.
Russia informed the UN of this last night, and according to diplomats, Moscow plans to bring up the subject in the Security Council during a private meeting today.

Russia informed the Security Council, Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Vasily Nippinsia that it would “consider the deployment of the Kyiv dirty bomb regime as an act of nuclear terrorism.”
The charge, according to Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski, is evidence that Moscow, which has threatened to deploy a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine, intends to launch such an assault and is getting ready to transfer the blame to Ukraine.

Senior Russian officials called their Western counterparts on Sunday and Monday to voice their concerns as the Ukrainian army moved closer to the Russian area of Jiusson.
The charges were denied by France, Britain, and the United States, who labelled them as “obviously false.” Washington also threatened Russia with “severe repercussions” if it ever used nuclear weapons, despite the fact that there had been no signs of this as of yet.

If a dirty bomb or an atomic weapon is deployed, there will be consequences for Russia, according to US State Department spokesperson Ned Price. There is no indication, according to the White House, that Russia will use a dirty bomb or any other nuclear weapon.
According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukraine intends to use a “dirty bomb” attack to put the responsibility for the radioactive pollution that results on Russia, something Russia has been preparing for.

The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency said it was preparing to send inspectors to two unannounced Ukrainian sites at the request of Kyiv, in response to Russia’s accusations about the “dirty bomb”. She noted that searches are now being conducted at both places.

The Eastern Metal Enrichment Station in the Dnipropterrovsk region of central Ukraine and the Nuclear Research Institute in Kyiv were previously named by the Russian government’s media agency as the two collaborating sites.

Russia alerts the Security Council to the “dirty bomb” issue

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