Ways to control blood cholesterol in the winter … including exercising regularly

Ways to control blood cholesterol in the winter … including exercising regularly

It is well known that high levels of LDL cholesterol are detrimental, especially for the heart since they damage coronary arteries. Cholesterol is a fatty blood molecule that is good in small amounts but dangerous when it surpasses the normal blood levels.
fluid fibres
The “healthsite” website claims that consuming a lot of soluble fibre can help you lower your cholesterol.

Include foods like apples, pears, oatmeal, and beans in your diet to increase your intake of solid fibres, which lower blood cholesterol absorption.
cut back on saturated fats
When consuming fats, look for a variety of unsaturated fats because saturated fats cause dangerous cholesterol to rise (LDL).
Consume omega -3 fatty acid-rich meals.
Omega -3 fatty acids have positive effects on the heart and blood vessels even though they do not decrease cholesterol.

Regular exercise
Exercise for 30 minutes a day to improve HDL levels, which protect the heart from cardiovascular disorders and help you shed some pounds.
Stop smoking.
Giving up harmful behaviours like smoking will help you boost the amount of healthy cholesterol (HDL) in your body, which is one of the ways to lower blood cholesterol or keep it under control.

How to lower blood cholesterol in the winter, including regular exercise

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