Jury yet to reach verdict in Brittany Higgins case

Jury yet to reach verdict in Brittany Higgins case

In Bruce Lehrmann’s rape trial, a jury was unable to render a decision.
Brittany Higgins, an Australian political aide, was allegedly raped by him in 2019 at a minister’s office at Parliament House in Canberra.
Lehrmann entered a not-guilty plea and said no sexual activity occurred.
The 12-person jury has been considering the case since last Wednesday, but it informed the Supreme Court in Canberra today that it was unable to reach a conclusion.

The Chief Magistrate has asked the jury to reconvene in order to reexamine their grounds of difference and attempt to come to a unified decision.
When Higgins shared her experience in 2021, she sparked a larger movement in Australia and shed light on the culture of the Federal Parliament.
The unsuccessful reelection campaign of Scott Morrison would centre on this issue.

Yesterday, the jury reconvened in the ACT Supreme Court, to say it had yet to reach a unanimous agreement beyond reasonable doubt.
There is no haste, and no time expectation, said Chief Justice Lucy McCallum.

Brittany Higgins case verdict is pending from the jury.

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