Quebec’s nursing order launches campaign to stop Halloween objectification of nurses

Quebec’s nursing order launches campaign to stop Halloween objectification of nurses

This Halloween, the professional order of nurses in Quebec is starting a campaign to persuade people to forego “sexy costumes” in favour of more accurate nursing attire.
In a press statement, the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec asserts that the sexual objectification of nurses diminishes the value of their skills and vocation.
Despite the profession of nursing evolving, misconceptions about nurses still exist, according to the order’s president, Luc Mathieu.

He argues nursing deserves respect as a scientific profession and deems the nurse costumes offered for sale at retail establishments “scary.”
By offering a true portrayal of the profession, the campaign hopes to influence people’s perceptions of how nurses are portrayed.
A video on social media will be used by the order to contrast pictures of Halloween nurses with the actual ones and convey its point.

A campaign to discourage the objectification of nurses during Halloween has been started in Quebec by the nursing order

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