Iran .. Video to try to escape the inmates of Evin Prison (video)

Iran .. Video to try to escape the inmates of Evin Prison (video)

On Sunday, the Iranian authorities released videos of Evin Prison surveillance cameras, and some prisoners’ attempt documented the escape, taking advantage of the disturbances and fabricated fire in the prison.
On October 15th, the fire and commotion at Tehran’s Evin Prison claimed the lives of 8 prisoners.

The prison witnessed turmoil, while Iran has been witnessing continuous protests for weeks, which were ignited by the death of Muhsa Amini, 22, which was announced on September 16, 3 days after its arrest by the Ethics Police in Tehran on charges of violating the strict dress rules.
Media in Iran as a source.

Iran. Escape attempt by convicts of Evin Prison in a video (video)

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