Iran announces the dismantling of a spy network that works for Israel

Iran announces the dismantling of a spy network that works for Israel

– Tehran The Iranian authorities arrested 10 people in western Azerbaijan said that they were “agents working for Israel,” according to the semi -official Faris News Agency, in an advertisement that comes with the escalation of protests that Tehran says that foreign parties are involved in fueling, adhering to the conspiracy theory. In its justification for the campaign of repression and arrests it has implemented since last September 16.

This is not the first time Iran has claimed to have destroyed an espionage network that worked for Israel, the CIA, or other regional nations, but it has never offered proof in support of its allegations.
He described them as clients in direct contact with Mossad agents, according to the Iranian agency.
There is an old runner between Iran and Israel.

While the Iranian government claims Tel Aviv killed several Iranian officials, the latter accuses Tehran of backing violent attacks. The Israeli side neither confirms nor refutes these reports.
“They set fire to the cars of people linked to the security services and their homes and received money in exchange for taking pictures that they sent to Mossad officers,” said the semi -official Fars News Agency without going into the details.

Iran is currently experiencing its worst protests since the green movement’s demonstrations in 2009, which were organised by a number of prominent reformist figures, including Mahdi Karoubi and Mir Hussein Mousavi, both of whom have been placed under house arrest since 2010 in protest of what they believed to be a tampering with the results of the presidential elections, which Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won at the time.

Numerous dual nationals are being detained by Iranian authorities on charges of espionage and conspiring to overthrow the government, both of which carry the death penalty. In recent years, a number of citizens have been arrested on charges of communicating with Israel, and the majority of them are minorities in the remote Iranian regions that suffer from marginalization and witness from time to time protests denouncing the system of discriminatory regime.

Tehran has been promoting these reports, including the most recent one from the Fars News Agency about the arrest of 10 people on suspicion of communicating with Israel. However, the timing of the announcement suggests that it is related to the government’s campaign of arrests and repression against the public movement that has been active since mid-September in protest of the Iranian Kurdish girl Mohsati’s death following her detention by the Ethics Police, which turned violent.

Iran is allegedly accused of dismantling espionage networks on a regular basis in order to support repressive policies and create conspiracy theories that misrepresent the popular movement that the country is powerless to suppress.

Iran declares the destruction of an Israeli spy network.

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